I just found this out, thanks to this handy blog post, I'm just re-posting it here for future reference.
Check this out, you can skip directly to a specific portion of a youtube clip. Test it out with the clip below, when you hit play should jump directly to 3:56 into the video.
How did I do it? Well...take your everyday YouTube embed code and add "&start=20" behind a couple portions of code (see text box below). Replace "20" with the number of seconds into the clip that you want to jump to, so in the clip below I went to 3:56 Into the clip, that's 236 seconds.
Thanks for posting this--if I'd seen at last week, I would have been able to edit the Sarah Palin intro out of the video I posted last week.
rather than include the lame comment about where to fast forward too!
(It will also be useful to accurately target the videos for all the reality stars I've been QCing recently--there seems to be one general intro video that I can now use this trick to split up.)
many thanks!