The Day MY Universe changed

Posted by Unknown | Wednesday, June 24, 2009 | , | 0 comments »

The new Mahalo is the greatest archiving tool, I have just started to get my feed wet. Ever since I started working on the Mahalo Archive I played with documentary presentation. On the old Mahalo it looked good, so good James Burke personally emailed me to tell me how "Masterly" his documentary series "The Day the Universe Changed" looked. Well, Mahalo 2.0 recently launched and I finally had a chance to update the documentary, and I must say it looks great. I hope more chopped up documentaries pop up on Mahalo some day.

What I archive and why you should too

Posted by Unknown | Wednesday, June 10, 2009 | , | 0 comments »

Mahalo has recently done some updates, they left the wiki-code world and launched Mahalo 2.0. In doing so they have opened up their vast website of Serps (search result pages) and have allowed users to claim pages. This has big money potential for any willing contributor. CNET wrote a great article about it here.

In a nutshell, users can search for any term, for example "David Attenborough" they can then "claim" the page and become the "David Attenborough" archive curator. What this means is they must update the page regularly (at least once every 15 days) to keep it fresh for the visitors. In return users a rewarded with a cut of the advertising revenue. During the first few days it's been hard to tell how much money people will earn, but were hoping traffic will grow and users can earn a couple thousands extra bucks a year.

Naturally, money is not the sole motivator for most internet users. Curating an online archive of your favourite subject could be seen as a hobby for some, all those Wikipedians are hobbyists, we hope to catch the same type of user, people passionate about sharing information their favourite topic.

What I really like about Mahalo 2.o is the technology behind it, you don't need to know any code, all the pages are click and draggable meaning you can sort the content how you like. When you start a new page Mahalo will automatically fill it up with suggested links, videos, images, mechandise and more, it's quite a powerful product.

One great example of how you can play with the pages is from my old "The Day The Universe Changed" page, this is an old documentary series that is clipped up on youTube. I took each 10 minute segment added a point by point summery. It looked good on the old Mahalo (so good James Burke himself complimented it) with the new Mahalo the pages look absolutely brilliant!

Anyway, we hope to attract lots of new users and lots of archivers and curators to help make Mahalo pages the best pages on the Internet.

and look each page has a widget, so you can market them nicely.

September 2005: Domain Purchased
October 2005: ThrowawayyourTV - 1st Attempt as a link Archive
Nov 2005: First Tag Archive created.
Jan 2006: TayTV Media Blog created
March 2006: 1st Time on the Front Page of Digg
April 2006: TayTV account banned from YouTube for uploading the Stephen Colbert CSPAN WHC Dinner Clip

July 2006: 1 Millionth Visitor
July 2006: (My 25th Birthday)
August 2006: Reached Reddit Top Ten
August 2006: (I moved from Ontario to BC)
Sept 2006: TayTV Forum Created.
October 2006: First paying advertisement on TayTV

November 2006: Signed contract with Netscape.
Jan 2007: becomes a Charity Blog
Feb 2007: New Tag Archive has 300 fans
Feb 2007: Picture in the Wall Street Journal
Feb 2007: Article in the Globe and Mail
Feb 2007: Crashes. Have to restart
Feb 2007: Created
March 2007: Tag Series Begins
March 2007: 2nd Del.Icio.Us Tag Archive Retired
March 2007: TayTV Builds Videosift Collective
May 2007: Socially Given Charity crumbles under the weight of success.
May 2007: Contract with AOL Newsbloggers
May 2007: TayTV Collective put on Hiatus and Closed
May 2007: Videosift Documentary Collective Created

July 2007: Tag Series is Completed
July 2007: Completed First Award winning Mahalo Search Result: E.O Wilson
September 2007: forever closed and rerouted to AOL.

February 2008: Reached Diamond Level on VideoSift: 500 Published submissions.
February 2008: Retired from AOL Newsbloggers
February 2008: Hired Full Time with
March 2008: Purchased Domain
May 2008: Siftography Published
June 2008: James Burke says my Mahalo work is “Masterly
July 2008: Started
July 2008: Gave up on
December 2008: Mahalo Answers Launches
January 2009: Karen and I opened the
April 2009: Promoted to Community Manager of Mahalo Answers
June 2009: Sign a blogging contract with