Stanley Cup

Posted by Unknown | Sunday, April 25, 2010 | 0 comments »

Allow me to present the two man Bicycle Kick Goal

Posted by Unknown | Saturday, April 24, 2010 | 0 comments »

Man Kills Wife in during Pens vs Sens OT Argument

Posted by Unknown | Saturday, April 24, 2010 | 0 comments »

one serious volcano: Eyjafjallajökull

Posted by Unknown | Friday, April 23, 2010 | 0 comments »

Mahalo Sports Newsletter #9 - Getting Connected

Posted by Unknown | Sunday, April 18, 2010 | | 1 comments »

Hey Everybody, I know it's been awhile since I've pushed out a good newsletter, my fault, I have more stuff to cover today. So hang in there, if you reach the end of this email you'll be well fed with knowledge. Before I begin, just in case you fall asleep before reaching the end. Go-Team signups next week, Mahalo has expanded the shifts to 5 days a week, with two 4 hour shift options along with the traditional 8 hour shift option. You can sign up here for next week. -  - For those unfamiliar, "Go Team" is our initiative to update and upgrade older pages in our system, if you think you can write 300 words about any random topic in under an hour, go ahead and sign up for the regular option, if you are unsure, pick the "training" option. 

We're trying to get more people interested in this, I have been speaking with the editors and the direction it will eventually go is having Vertical based a Sports Dept. Go Team is in the works as we speak, I'll fill you all in when it comes about. Regardless, you need to be on IRC to take part, get your feet wet by visiting our sports IRC Channel - There is a big button to connect here - - I've only seen a few of you stumbling within. Log into the room, you don't need to be chatty while your there, just hang out while you work on Mahalo, who knows what page opportunities will come up while your there. Unless I am sleeping or firefighting I am in that room to assist and answer any questions you have.

Sport Department Rookies
First order order business is we have some rookies on our in on this email, I started a major recruitment process at the beginning of the month to help us tackle the out of date roster and athlete pages in the system, and the rookies have delivered, those reaching ten tasks include @NickBragg@kkroz, @btempl, @mattharding@klewis16, @RCHorgan@Maverick819, @ernestm and @jasonf - I've included a few others in on this newsletter who are close to 10 tasks. 

We have a new experimental process with the rookies that some of the veterans may want to get in on as well. After 10 tasks is reached I'm asking everybody to sign up for a few key social websites. It is absolutely vital for us to get connected online and to use the tools available to us throughout the web, I've been asking rookies to sign up for 5 sites to start, I'm going to go through them below here in a bit more detail.

Why Get Connected
We're writing on the web, it's a lot different from writing print but at the same time it's much of the same, you need readers. Although Mahalo's specialty is to attract random searchers through search engines, (over 80% of our traffic comes from each engines) our goal with getting connected will to be attract a more bountiful reader base from a variety of social websites. There are multiple benefits from connecting on social sites, I'll list a couple here.
1) Raises your profile - The more connected you are on more networks the higher it raises your writer profile, so if your plan is to write long term online, getting connected now, will benefit you in the long run.
2) Search Engine Optimization - Using social network and sharing links raises the rank of your pages. "Backlinks" are a major factor in how Google promotes pages, the more you share your pages, the more backlinks you create.
3) Traffic - Naturally, the more you share your pages, the bigger chance there is that people will visit your page, more traffic = more rev-share. The numbers are on our side, we have 70 people on this list, if we put those numbers to work, that is front page on any social website we wish, digg, reddit, you name it. All we have to do is get connected and work together.
4) Community - We're a big group, getting connected and interacting with each will make writing a little less lonely, we're all in the same boat and working as a group will help us in the short and long term.

Welcome to the Social Web - Reap the rewards of being connected

First off, you want to be using either Mozilla FireFox or Google Chrome when your using the web these days. If you are using Internet Explorer? Switch, right now. It's just a couple clicks to download, then about half a day to get used to it. Don't be afraid. You can do it! Personally, I switched to Chrome not too long ago after using FireFox for four years, Chrome is incredibly faster and the extensions, for me, are incredibly more streamlined but Firefox is good too. Honestly, anything but IE.

What is it? Essentially it's your own thought bubble on the web, but it's also a great place to keep up on your Fellow Mahalo writers and to share links, it's a short messaging program where you have 140 characters to share a thought. It may seem silly in the beginning, but its an invaluable program these days, sign up using your Mahalo name, or any random nickname you may enjoy it, you may hate it, but give it a run.

How to use it? There are many ways to use Twitter, the only way I don't recommend is using the "web" option, to get the most out of twitter you want to either have a desktop client like "Tweetdeck" and "Twhirl" or a browser component. You can add Twitter to your browser by using the extensions below, makes twitter much easier to use and follow.

Get Connected: Maybe not your main goal, but certainly the key to twitter is amassing as many followers as possible. I've been on Twitter for a few years and have over a thousand followers, but like everybody else I had to start with Zero. Let's give each other a heads start and simply follow each other here in the sports department. Once you've signed up to Twitter visit our Sports Department Followers list, and follow everybody here: - Let me know your Twitter name, and I'll add you to the list.

Etiquette: You want to sound like a human, you don't want to appear like a spam bot trying to get traffic. For example, instead of just posting a tweet that reads "St Louis Cardinals Roster -" you want to sound genuine and have a reason to share the link "How about those cardinals? URL" - "Cardinals doing good this year? URL" ...You don't want to be a spam bot, you want to interact with your followers. Talk about stuff other then your writing and sprinkle in links periodically. 

How we benefit: It will build our presence on the web, if each of us have 1,000 followers and we each share a link to our 1,000 followers - That's 70,000 people who see our links, just like that, if our tweet is good and some of those 70,000 share the link, the cycle is vicious and lucrative.

What is It? Beyond a major time suck...It's our biggest traffic source outside of Search Engines and Twitter. The idea behind Stumbleupon is your basically channel surfing websites. You click a "stumble" button and a completely random website will appear before you. In order for our pages to be one of those random sites we have to submit them.

How to use it? StumbleUpon is great because when you are on a page, it's simply 1 click to submit your page, you do need a browser extension. Once the extension is installed, all you need to do is click the "thumbs up" button, if its a new page to Stumble Upon it will ask you to tag and describe your link, you hit submit and your done, your page is added to their catalog. 

Get Connected: StumbleUpon isn't much of a social site like the rest, I haven't discovered many benefits of connecting with each other, beyond the fact that when we subscribe to each other more of each others links will show up when we ourselves "stumble" - Otherwise, I believe the more subscriptions you get the more likely your pages will get stumbled. So for now, at least subscribe to my account, if your keen go through my list of subscriptions and subscribe at least to all them. My Account:

Etiquette: Since I probably have the worst SU etiquette, I found an article that gives some tips and tricks here, - Obviously we want to stumble our best articles and pages but you'll also want to submit other content as well. My general rule of thumb with all Social sites is you want your own content to be under 25% of what you share, it's good karma.

How we benefit: The more of us who stumble the same article, the greater change that article has of going viral within StumbleUpon, it's absolutely amazing how much traffic StumbleUpon can deliver over a long period of time.
What is It? It's a "social bookmarking" website, I've always used it as an archive for pages I've built, it's incredibly easy to use and it's a great way to categorize and keep track of your pages. When you bookmark a page you "Tag" it as a way to categorize your pages.

How to use it? This is the easiest one of the whole bunch to use, and after each page is published its not a bad idea to click the "Tag" button and instantly create a backlink to your pages. Also if you have a personal blog it creates great link and tag lists for your sidebar, I use them on both and own personal blog

Get Connected: You can add me to your network by clicking the "add to network" button in the sidebar here, 

How we benefit: In short, this one will not make or break us, its a brilliant instant backlink and that's about it, I use it because I love archiving and tagging my work.

What is it? It's a site to share your sports articles, essentially it's ideal for blog posts and buzzy Mahalo pages as oppose to generic search result pages we build.

How to use it? There are no add-ons for this one, but you'll notice on there is small box in the sidebar. When you post to your post will instantly appear on ballhype, all you need to do to help it is click the vote button. - By all means, vote and comment on each others posts for best results.

Get Connected: I'm relatively new there, but add me to your friends list, and go through my friends list and my friends as your friends :) As with every social website the more connected you are the better.

How we Benefit: To help create a name for our sports department we'll need to reach the elite of the sports writing world, becoming a presence on ballhype will go a long way towards this goal, it doesn't take many votes to get on the front page, if only a few of us click those arrows in the sportswithm sidebar we'll bring a lot of attention to our blog and our Mahalo pages.

What is it? possibly the largest publishing program of all time. Blogger is where anybody can create a blog and publish an article, as a web-writer blogger is where you can use your own voice, write with your own words and write articles on any topic you wish.

How to use it? If you have not yet received an invite to, I will happily send one you one, the rules however with our department blog is that you must have at least 300 words, an image, and 5 backlinks to Mahalo pages. You can also begin your own blog if you have not already, you can literally start a blogger blog in under 3 clicks and 3 minutes. I do however ask that your "display name" for the blog is the same as your Mahalo username.

Get Connected: This might sound old school internet to some of you, but if you have a blogger blog, I'll add you to the blog roll...if you return the favor :D - In fact, we should all add each other to each others blog rolls. Blogger Blog rolls are perhaps the strongest form of google juice I have ever witnessed. On that same same note, you'll notice the "follow" button in the bottom right sidebar on sportswithm - please click that too.

How we Benefit: I believe blogging is our greatest front for our Mahalo sports pages, there is a greater chance to attracting interest when using your own voice in writing. If you believe opinions are your strength, blogging is certainly an avenue to pursue to strengthen your Mahalo pages. Also remember that every Mahalo page has the "embed" option, if you embed a Mahalo page to each blog post, you'll earn an extra M$1 for every 1,000 views you get...that's a higher rate then even rev-share, it's another great way to maximize your income especially if blogging is your strength. 

Don't forget about Mahalo

Well, after all is said and done we don't want you forgetting about Mahalo we have some interesting new projects for you to get involved in beyond tasks and Go-Team. One that I want to briefly touch on is a new Mahalo Answers project that we've dubbed "Blue-Sites" - These are sister sites that are connected to Mahalo answers that are related to specific topics. The first three of series of sports question sites linked below, soon we'll have dozens related to all sports.

We're working on seeding these sites right now with Questions and Answers. You can log into them with your Mahalo login. During this process you'll earn M$.50 for every question you ask, and M$1.00 for every answer. The only rules are that your questions include a 100 word description, and your answers are 150 words + an image or video included. 

You'll get paid for every question and answer, all you have to do is mark on this spreadsheet the URL that you participated in and you'll get paid at the end of each month. 
Spreadsheet link -

Beyond earning a bit of extra scratch its a good way to interact with each other, talk sports and so on.

So there you have you, Newsletter #9 - As always you can find an archive of the newsletters on here

Have a great weekend everybody, and if you want to send me links to your social accounts, I'll be sure to connect with you on the networks listed above as well as others that you may already frequent. 

Elements of a Date Page

Posted by Unknown | Friday, April 16, 2010 | 0 comments »

Date Pages have been a part of Mahalo Since the earliest version, they have endured many updates but the format changes between Mahalo 1.0 and 3.0 have taken a toll on the aesthetic look of the page. With Mahalo 3.0 this is the goal for how a Mahalo Date page can look.

The Key factors with date pages is that the long lists that currently occupy the Guide Note section need to be copied and moved into the sidebar.

The Guide note for these pages will include two elements, 1st the traditional explanation to what the date is. For Example - "March 12 is the 71st day of the year (72nd day in leap year) on the Gregorian Calendar. The Zodiac sign for individuals born on this day is Pisces." Followed by a 200-300 word paragraph explaining the major Holidays and celebrations that occur on that day all over the planet. Avoid simply listing significant historical events because they will be listed already in the timeline.

Once the Guide note is complete, just double check that the timeline is in order, feel free to add any missed events and Featured Videos.

The AP Video should be added directly at the top, and you can see how the "more days" section wraps perfectly around it. I suggest the 4 days before and the 4 days after as well as a link to the "Today in History" category.

At the bottom, there is likely a Daily Show "Moment of Zen" section, if the date page you are working on does not have this section, do not try to create one, they were added during a previous Mahalo era and those embed codes can't be added any more.

Click on Images to make them bigger - And you can see this page in live action here
Date Page Part 1
Date Page Part 2
Date Page Part 3

My first structure fire

Posted via web from Hoard's posterous

As proud and grateful Canadians, we pause today to mark not only the ninety-third anniversary of this Nation’s victory at Vimy Ridge but also to pay tribute to the passing of a truly remarkable generation who helped to end the most terrible conflict the world had ever known. 

These gallant men and women went off to Europe to fight in what was often considered to be “the war to end all wars”; to defend the principles of peace, freedom and justice for their Country and, indeed, for all mankind.  Theirs was a story of unspeakable horror, unmitigated heroism and – ultimately – of inspiring victory. This tremendous sacrifice can rightly be regarded as a defining moment in the history of Canada and is one which we will never forget. 

And now, they are gone –and all Canadians mourn our collective loss.  Yet they will remain forever etched in the hearts of a grateful people and on the pages of our history as symbols of service, honour and dedication.

In our minds and in our hearts always, we will remember them.


Posted via web from Hoard's posterous

7 Women Brawl over Easter Candy #idiocracy

Posted by Unknown | Wednesday, April 07, 2010 | 0 comments »

Palax Power100S Firewood Processor: WANT

Posted by Unknown | Tuesday, April 06, 2010 | 0 comments »