2010 Olympics Closing Ceremony

Posted by Unknown | Sunday, February 28, 2010 | 0 comments »

The 2010 Winter Olympics came to an official close during a closing ceremony on February 28, 2010. The ceremony was held at BC Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, which seats 55,000 people. The 2010 Olympic Opening and closing ceremonies were the first in Olympic history to be held indoors.http://www.vancouver2010.com/en/news/news-releases/-/37852/32566/qet9j6/vanoc-introduces-2010-olympic.html4 The choreographer for the closing ceremonies was Jean Grand-Maitre, who is the artistic director of the Alberta Ballet.

As with the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony was broadcast live on NBC, as well as on their official Olympic website, NBCOlympics.com. Canadian viewers can watch the ceremony live on CTV, or CTVOlympics.ca.

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