Good things are happening on Mahalo, we are seeing a lot of new users and I wanted to make sure that the new Mahaloians are getting the best possible advice on how to become successful within Mahalo. The Welcome Wednesday thread worked well last week, let's do it again even if it's a day late. That's just how we roll.
I put together this page, [[Advice For New Mahalo Users]], it's a collection of advice given from members on Mahalo who we have recognized as being the best on site.
Advice For New Mahalo Users
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I find it helpful when our veteran users engage new users with helpful advice, even by just sharing the page [[How Mahalo Answers Works]] could be the difference between a ugly yellow belt deserter and a potential black belt pro.
In my past experiences, a lot of communities that are built from the ground up tend to stress during periods of rapid growth. Considering Mahalo is poised to have continuous rapid growth, we should all agree not to get super stressed when newer users jump right on into Mahalo. As long as a user isn't spamming we should encourage them to answer questions in whatever manner they wish, and not judge their potential.
We were all new once, no matter how much of a lost cause you think a user is, offering advice and links to helpful pages and explanations for unhelpful votes means a world of difference. When you think your advice is a lost cause, consider the lurkers and new visitors who read your words, they might become the next black belts.
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