Here are Today in History results for December 1. Most important event was Rosa Parks defying the law back in 1955 and starting the Civil Rights movement.
Here are the Top Social stories for This day in 2008
- Reddit: Core Mormon belief scientifically disproven.... (898 Score)
- Digg: Facebook Connect Has Arrived (1005 Diggs)
- Fark: Pentagon to deploy 20,000 uniformed military...inside the United States... (11280 Clicks)
- VideoSift: husband tests bullet proof glass with his wife (87 Sifts)
- YouTube: Fox News Closets Harvey Milk? (10, 323 Views)
And here it is your moment of Zen
- The Daily Show: The White Stripes (2005)
- The Daily Show: Bush Surprise (2003)
- The Daily Show: Power Condom (1999)
- The Daily Show: A Christian Nation (2004)
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