Bin Laden Update

Posted by Unknown | Friday, November 14, 2008 | , , , | 0 comments »

He's still at large, as I updated the Osama Bin Laden page I found this AFP report from September that I think is a pretty decent video to have featured at the top of our Archive.

Honestly, I think he's dead, in fact before Benazir Bhutto was murdered she told Sir David Frost that he was dead, which is interesting, but still I guess we all want to see the body. What do you think, Bush will find him before January 20th? or Obama will find him after he takes office? He's gotta be out there, in this day and age this shouldn't be that difficult.

Watch Bhutto mention this at 2:29 into this interesting clip, I wonder why Frost didn't follow up on that statement, did he assume she mispoke? she did lean into the answer, hmmm, either way, unfortunately we'll never have another chance to hear her elaborate on this, as we all know, she was assassinated in late 2007.