October 29 Barack Obama on The Daily Show

Posted by Unknown | Wednesday, October 29, 2008 | , | 0 comments »

October 29, 2008: Barack Obama
There is a Obama Daily Show Mahalo Archive I also recently posted older Stewart/Obama interviews.

*Update: The 2008 Interview is now Up, you can watch the full episode here.

Just a healthy reminder that Barack Obama is going to be on the Daily Show October 29th. Mahalo already has an Page for archiving press and videos.

Obama's been on TDS twice before, McCain has been on 13 times (more then any other guest in TDS history)

April 21, 2008: Barack Obama Pt. 1

April 21, 2008: Barack Obama Pt. 2

August 22, 2007: Barack Obama Pt. 1

August 22, 2007: Barack Obama Pt. 2