1. Bought her 7-year-old daughter a $790 Louis Vuitton Handbag
  2. Participated in a bizarre looking ceremony to be saved from witchcraft
  3. Supports shooting wolves from helicopters
  4. Can't name more than one Supreme Court case
  5. Believes that dinosaurs and humans co-existed
  6. Abused governmental power
  7. Talks with a fake accent
  8. Thinks the VP "runs" the Senate
  9. Bridge to nowhere

  10. How about the Road to nowhere, built and paved for the Bridge to nowhere

  11. Tried to ban books
  12. Belongs to a church that believes they can convert gays.
  13. Believes that being gay is a "choice"
  14. Mother of a pregnant high schooler
  15. Thinks an valid question from an American voter is "Gotcha Journalism"
  16. Thinks creationism should be taught in schools
  17. Instead of proving superiority over political rivals with specific policies and examples, she brands them as terrorists
  18. Female residents of her home state protested against her
  19. Calls her husband "the first dude"
  20. Admits she smoked marijuana, but does not want it decriminalized
  21. Demonstrates confusion over the location of foreign nations
  22. Her make-up artist is the highest paid staffer in the McCain campaign
  23. Wore a "Vote Democrat" scarf to a republican rally
  24. Is difficult to work with according to SNL staff
  25. Believes that the government has a right to force girls who have become pregnant after being raped to carry and deliver their babies
  26. Husband was a member of the secessionist Alaskan Independence Party
  27. Believes abortion clinic bombers are not terrorists
  28. Thinks that the federal government should ban gay marriage
  29. Started College in 1982 at Hawaii Pacific College, then went to North Idaho Community College, University of Idaha Matanuska Community College and finally back to Idaho to finish her degree...5 crappy Schools in 6 years, that cant be good.
  30. Doesn't understand her party's foreign policy
  31. Had tanning bed installed in the governors mansion
  32. Vetoed funding for programs that assisted unwed teenage mothers
  33. Doesn't pronounce the G's at the end of her words
  34. Easily "annoyed" by journalists who ask questions rather than encourage her to trash talk her opponents
  35. Wants to drill for oil in ANWR
  36. Built a sports complex on land that the city didn't own
  37. Not a fan of the free press
  38. Has no idea how to run the economy as great as the USA's
  39. Believed that God's will brought a pipeline to Alaska
  40. Putin rears his head in Alaska's air space.

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  41. Is against protecting polar bears
  42. While the McCain campaign tries to fight earmarks, she set a record
  43. She flew from Texas to Alaska after he water broke and is campaigning for VP as 44 year old woman with a special needs baby that is less then a year old
  44. She allegedly reads "all" major publications, yet can't name any of them
  45. Not only is she against solar and other alternative energies, she's used veto power to ensure others don't get funds to research it
  46. Didn't know what the VP did just months before being nominated
  47. After rehearsing a rap with SNL staff, she opted to let the pregnant Amy Poehler perform it live
  48. Billed taxpayers for NCAA games and working from home
  49. Supported charging rape victims for rape kits
  50. Lets her teenage daughter dress like a handcuff-toting tramp for Halloween
  51. Her most passionate supporters appear to be incredibly racist and ill informed
  52. Thinks that the Iraq War is part of "God's plan"
  53. Can't even keep her own views on the issues straight
  54. She scares Matt Damon
  55. John McCain needs to hold her hand during high profile interviews
  56. Unable to name any regulation legislation supported by McCain. you betcha!

  57. Endorsed Dianne Keller as the next mayor of Wasilla

  58. When faced with the important decision of what to name her children, she chose...Willow, Track, Trig, Piper and Bristol
  59. Believes an airline stop over constitutes foreign policy experience

  60. Lied about speaking with a British Ambassador to boost her foreign experience.
  61. Her "Christian Heritage Week" is weak.
  62. Tina Fey doesn't want to continue playing Sarah Palin.
  63. President Bush Endorsed Palin, and has already voted McCain.
  64. Future Son in law is a Fucking Redneck
  65. She cursed the St. Louis Blues
  66. Gives a bad name to Hockey Moms
  67. She was endorsed and supported by indicted coot senator Ted Stevens
  68. Failed to condemn her radical supporters
  69. Used a Madelaine Albright quote completely out of context
  70. Trying desperately to divide the nation by telling her supporters that Barack is connected with "Terrorists" and that she is fearful for the country.
  71. Despite claiming to be a "fiscal conservative" and openly mocking Obama's tax program, she increased government expenditures by 33% and taxes by 38% while in the Wasilla mayor's office
  72. Wasilla is a dive, this doesn't look like any small town I have ever seen.
  73. With a Finger on the button, is her priority the American people or her God? She could be having visions of Jesus's return while in office
    Philip Munger, says that Palin also helped push the evangelical drive to take over the Mat-Su Borough school board. "She wanted to get people who believed in creationism on the board," said Munger, a music composer and teacher. "I bumped into her once after my band played at a graduation ceremony at the Assembly of God. I said, 'Sarah, how can you believe in creationism -- your father's a science teacher.' And she said, 'We don't have to agree on everything.'
  74. Used a Yahoo email for official party correspondence.
  75. 50Gs to Remodel her office in Alaska.
  76. She seems to be pissing off an awful lot of staffers
  77. Hypocrite when it comes to "sharing the wealth"
  78. One heartbeat
  79. In January 2004 she quit her job as the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Chairwoman out frustration.
  80. July 3 2009 quit her job as the Governor of Alaska.
  81. On the 4th of July Palin Twittered.
  82. Before whining about unfair media coverage, Sarah Palin bashed Hillary Clinton for whining about unfair media coverage.
  83. After the election she appeared in a documentary where she lashed out on "the media"
  84. Called Ashley Judd's environmentalist group an "extreme fringe group"
  85. Her husband and top aides were all held in contempt of court when they failed to testify.
  86. After having becoming a teen mother, Bristol Palin speaks out against teen sex, abstinence not education.
  87. Palin was forced to reimburse Alaskans after using state funds to pay for family trips.
  88. As Gov. Rejected Millions of federal funds meant of Education and Special needs children, upsetting Alaskans.
  89. NRA says Palin is one of the most pro-gun advocates in the history of the USA.
  90. Got pranked by a Montreal Radio Station, for over 6 minutes she thought she was speaking to French President Nicolas Sarkosy.
  91. Palin was so hated by McCain staffers that they told the press she didn't know Africa was a continent and that she was unaware what countries were in NAFTA. Although no staffer ever admitted, these guys decided to snatch up the credit.
  92. Sarah Palin pardones a Turkey while another gets slaughtered.
  93. After quiting as Gov. Sarah Palin sent blogger a legal notice to the author of blogspot blog who had mentioned rumours about Sarah Palin on her blog.
  94. During her campaign for VP, she spent $290,000 on fashion, including $42,000 on a hair stylist and $68,000 for a makeup artist.
  95. After Trig was born she emailed everybody and signed her email as if it were written by god.
    More than once in my travels in Alaska, people brought up, without prompting, the question of Palin’s extravagant self-regard. Several told me, independently of one another, that they had consulted the definition of “narcissistic personality disorder” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—“a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy”—and thought it fit her perfectly. When Trig was born, Palin wrote an e-mail letter to friends and relatives, describing the belated news of her pregnancy and detailing Trig’s condition; she wrote the e-mail not in her own name but in God’s, and signed it “Trig’s Creator, Your Heavenly Father.”
  96. After David Letterman delivered a bad joke, the Palin supporters protested.
  97. Four months into Obama's presidency she went onto Fox News to say "I Told You So, USA is becoming socialist"
  98. Warned Alaskan's of New World Order and a Government that wants to "Control People"
  99. Palin: A terrorist is Bill Ayers who would bomb the Capitol. Brian Williams: What about somebody who bombs an abortion clinic? Palin: mumble
  100. Hand picked by Rush Limbaugh as the Republican Figurehead. Calls her the most "articulate voice" of the Republican Party.


  1. Nicole Ireland // October 25, 2008 at 2:46 AM  

    Amen Jeff! Couldn't agree more.