Obama Wins the Presidency

Posted by Unknown | Tuesday, November 04, 2008 | , | 1 comments »

Young Turks called it at 6:24 after Obama won Ohio, that's all I need. Here is the video as I watched it...

here is a classic Cenk speech to nibble on, i'll get their official announcement once its posted to youtube

*Update: Ok the TYT highlight reel is in, what an amazing night, I am incredibly proud to be America's neighbor, I've complained a lot about the states the past 8 years even to the point of hating them (wars, torture, corporate bullshit does that to a guy) but you have outdone yourself tonight, you have wowed the world, freedom and democracy is alive in America. Barack Obama is a great man and I have no doubts he will be a great leader not only for America but for the world, god speed my friends.


  1. BILL GARDINER // November 5, 2008 at 12:12 AM  

    FESTOONS! I'm celebrating with a rather tasty Belgian Pomme Lambic that I've been saving for 6 months. Well, WE didn't get it done for Obama in Alabama today. Thankfully my native land(YankeefakeAmerica) bailed us out yet again. Kudos to my brothers on the Left Coast on your judgement for the future. Here's an anecdote for the whole Alabama mindset: After retrieving my voter registration card and Googling up a map to determine my polling place, I headed off for a well hidden elementary school. I arrived around 10:30 AM figuring that would be the least crowded. I would guess that the school parking lot held all of 125 spaces for the 200 plus vehicles there. The sidestreet it was located on was narrow with NO PARKING signs everywhere and a police driveby every 2 or so minutes. I put it in 4WD low and powered it up the high curb and parked my pickemup in front of the Peterbilt parked in the grass. As I walked up to the line formed outside the entrance, I noted some hand written informational signs telling which line to be in alphabetically that NO-ONE was paying any attention to. After getting inside I cued in front of a series of school lunchtables that the folks at the front kept switching around positions in complete confusion. Once I got to about 6 feet from one of the desks used by polling officials to check ID and registration status, I noticed signs taped to the front of these tables at nutsack level. I was in the alphabetical A-F line, and I needed "G". So I mooed and schlepped over to the correct line. After commenting that they should have the signs mounted well above the poll workers so they could be seen by more than the first 3 people in line, I was soundly scolded by a local. " If y'ed voted heer b'for yad know wha line yer sposedtabe in". That,Jeff, is the South in a nutshell- Don't fix something that's fucked up, accept it and cherish and defend said clusterfuck as a part of southern heritage. There's little "HOPE" for these folks.