Joe the Plumber Facts

Posted by Unknown | Wednesday, October 15, 2008 | , , | 1 comments »

Boy, Joe the Plumber became a crazy central figure during the debate tonight. So the guy appears to be getting taxed for earning more then $250,000, I thought McCain made a pretty big deal of turning Joe the Plumber into his last hope to win this election, if he can get the Joe Six Pack er Plumber vote, he just might turn this thing around.

My only question was...How many Small Businesses earn more then $250,000 a year? That's a lot of plumbing. However Joe the Plumber is only going to be in the company of 4% of Business owners, the only 4% that earn more then $200,000/year. In fact 88% earn less then $100,000 and those are the ones who will be getting a good break.

the plumber told Obama he was considering buying a company that would earn more than $250,000 a year. Obama conceded that, under his plan, taxes for that company would increase. The vast majority of small business owners, however, break even or make a relatively small profit; their taxes would not increase under Obama's plan. Of nearly 20 million small business tax returns filed annually, only about 4 percent report taxable income of $200,000 or more, and nearly 88 percent report earnings of less than $100,000, according to Internal Revenue Service data. Fact-checking Obama's and McCain's assertions in final debate

I love this clip, btw, McCain said something about Joe getting fined or something, I wasnt really paying attention. But Barack is giving a ZERO dollar fine Joe! and McCain is totally caught in the headlights with this one, it looks like he's watching an infomercial and is just amazed..Zero!

Update..and Keith has much more about Joe the Plumber


  1. Anonymous // October 16, 2008 at 12:30 AM  

    The Top 50 Swing Voters: #27 - Joe The Plumber

    #50 - Hockey Moms - Demographic Power Play
    #47 - People with STDs - Burning for Change
    #40 - Anonymous Sperm Donors - Swimming Against The Tide
    #36 - Master Debaters - Everybody's Doing It
    #29 - Nudists - Sticking To The Issues