Kalane and I went to see Religulous tonight on opening day. I am a huge Bill Maher fan and ever since I heard he was going to release a documentary about Atheism, I've been pretty eager to see it. I first heard about it well over a year ago now.

Anyway, I saw it, it was exactly how I expected it to be - Bill Maher traveling around talking to religious people and telling em they are nuts - And thats what it was, for two hours. There are highlights however, I laughed my ass off when Bill Maher ranted about Scientology in Hyde Park.

Anyway, the whole documentary reminded me of the all the great Atheist Eye Candy I have seen across the web in my Day. Online video has really brought videos about Atheism to a wide audience, you simply don't see anything about non-religious people in media and in the news. So when I first came across Johnathan Miller's Brief History of Disbelief, I was thrilled, what a mind blowing experience.

Miller is cool, and that documentary was smart. BBC this is content you just don't get on our 100+ channels, even if your 100+ TV has BBC, what are the odds you would stumble into the program. The Internet, bam, its there. A great documentary, I recommend.

When Root of all Evil and the Virus of Faith hit the net a couple years ago, Atheism exploded, suddenly Harris, Dennet, Hitchens and of course Dawkins are best sellers, Atheism started to even get mentioned in the mainstream. Crazy I know. Anyway the Dawkins documentaries went straight for the heart of organized religion and called it abuse. The Root of All Evil got some additional life and value after the Ted Haggard scandal broke.

Also on my Top Atheist Eye Candy list from the past couple years is Brian Flemming's The God who Wasn't there.

And Penn and Teller's The Bible is Bullshit episode.


  1. Unknown // October 19, 2008 at 10:15 AM  

    mmm.... sexy